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Sycamore Class

Welcome to Sycamore Class

Classteacher: Miss S. Campbell


Friday 31st January 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was amazing to see so many parents at our Shared Learning Session this week.  Thank you for coming!  We hope you enjoyed the session; we were so pleased to read so many positive comments on the feedback forms.

In Maths this week, we have started a unit of learning on multiplication and division.  We will continue this for the next few weeks.

In English, we are now learning about writing a diary entry.  The children have learned a new text map and very much enjoyed the drama activities we took part in to support their deeper understanding of our new text.

Our new displays are up in school!  The children did an amazing job with their weaving to make Stinky Cheese Men!

Have a super weekend,

Miss Campbell, Miss Higgs and Mrs. Patrick

Friday 24th January 2025

This week the children have been working hard to get ready for our Shared Learning session with parents next week and have all written wonderful suspense stories!

We have been continuing our work on learning to count fluently forwards and backwards in fives and tens.  We are getting more and more confident, but would appreciate your support practising this as much as possible at home, too.

Have a super weekend,

Miss Campbell, Miss Higgs and Mrs. Patrick.

Friday 17th January 202

This week in English, we have begun to adapt our model text to create our own stories filled with suspense.  We will continue with this next week before creating their own independent stories.  In Maths, we have continued to work with numbers beyond 20 to develop our understanding of the value of each digit.  This will support us in our upcoming work on multiplication and division in the coming weeks.

We are also working hard in Art to create new displays for the classroom and corridor.  We look forward to you seeing these soon!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Campbell, Miss Higgs and Mrs. Patrick

Friday 10th January 2025

Happy New Year!  It was lovely to see all the children this week.

We have had a really busy week in Sycamore Class and the children have all worked really hard.  They have been super at learning their new text map which has a focus on suspense.  They have completed a variety of drama activities to help them memorise our new model text and next week will identify the features of suspense writing to use in their upcoming work.

In Maths, the children are working with numbers beyond 20 and we will be tackling the 5 times tables to become fluent in both multiplication and division facts.

Everyone enjoyed their hockey lesson with the Sports Coach this week.  These sessions do take place outside, so please ensure that your child has a warm tracksuit and suitable footwear in their P.E bag.  

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Campbell, Miss Higgs and Mrs. Patrick


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