Redwood class will have their Squash sessions this half term on Thursday mornings and P.E with Mr. Hewitt on Friday mornings. Please ensure that they have appropriate P.E kit on these days.
The children with speaking parts in our upcoming performance of 'Star Warts' have been given their scripts. Please ensure they are practising them at home! They will need them in school on Mondays and Tuesdays, as these days are when we will be rehearsing.
We are currently focusing on the 7 times tables. Please work on this and the associated division facts at home.
Thank you,
Mr. Hewitt
It’s been great to have everyone back this week. I’ve enjoyed hearing all about what everyone got up to over the Christmas break and it’s great to see how keen everyone is to get back to school. We’ve done a lot of Science this week, looking at electricity and how to use it safely. We also started learning to create programs in Computing, with brilliant results! In English, we’re starting to write suspense narratives, so I look forward to being made to feel very uncomfortable and in Maths, we’ve been looking at multiplication. We also gave out the roles for our upcoming performance and I absolutely cannot wait to get going on rehearsals after hearing some of the songs!
Have a great weekend, everyone!
Friday 5th July 2024
Hello all,
Redwood have had a rather busy week! We have completed our hot tasks in Writing and have produced some lovely work, inspired by our class text The Longest Night of Charlie Noon.
We have also looked at coordinates in Maths, continued studying Islam in RE and even took part in our own General Election!
Have a lovely, restful weekend,
Mr. Fulcher and Miss Martin.
Remember, class swap week is next week. The children will spend most of the week with their new teacher/class and will return to Redwood on Thursday afternoon.
Friday 14th June 2024
Hello all,
Redwood have has a busy week with their assessments. I am very happy with all the super progress they have made and they should be too!
Please continue to teach the children how to tell the time to support their learning in Maths.
Have a restful weekend,
Mr. Fulcher and Miss Martin.
Friday 7th June 2024
Welcome back Redwood!
We have had a busy week. We have evaluated our electronic games, written our information texts about the mysterious Pengwolf and have started reading our new text The Longest Night of Charlie Noon.
Redwood have also completed their multiplication check this week - WELL DONE TO YOU! You have all done incredibly well and we are all so proud of you.
Please encourage and support the children with telling the time as this is our current topic in Maths.
PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays this term - please ensure everything is in.
Have a good weekend,
Mr. Fulcher and Miss Martin.
Friday 17th May 2024
Hello all,
It's been another fast-paced week in Redwood - I do not know where this half-term has gone!
The children have completed their Geography POP Tasks, which really show off their knowledge. Super work Redwood, well done.
We have started looking at information texts, I recommend reading some non-fiction fact files and similar texts to become acquainted with the style and language used in these type of texts.
Please continue practising your times tables. The 9s should be a particular focus following your practise multiplication check. Mrs. Carter and I are both very pleased with the work you have put in, keep it up.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Fulcher and Miss Martin.
Friday 10th May 2024
We’ve had another busy week in Redwood. We have planned and completed action stories inspired by our class text Shackleton’s Journey and started looking at length in Maths.
We have continued studying light and shadows in Science and have also learned about the different biomes and time zones around the world in Geography.
Please practise all times tables now as we approach the multiplication check. I advise the 7s, 8s, 9s and 12s. Please feel free to visit the classroom on Wednesdays to see all the recent work and displays.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Fulcher and Miss Martin.
Friday 3rd May 2024
Hello everyone,
Redwood have had a productive week, involving plenty of art! We have been using impasto to paint self-portraits inspired by Van Gogh and our text Shackleton's Journey. We have continued looking at money in Maths and have been writing action stories in Writing.
Please continue to practise all the times tables in preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Check.
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 26th April 2024
Hello everyone,
Redwood have had yet another busy and productive week! We have had a look at Vincent Van Gogh and impasto painting in Art, continued writing with action in English and have started looking at money in Maths.
Please continue practising your times tables – focus on the 7s, 8s, 9s and 12s. Next week, our focus will be all the tables.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 19th April 2024
Welcome back everyone!
I hope you all had a restful Easter break. The children have hit the ground running this week and have proven that they are very ready for the Summer term!
We have started looking at our new class text, Shackleton's Journey, and have continued learning about decimals in Maths. The children displayed great knowledge of the 9 times table in our TTRS sessions this week, well done everyone.
We have studied George Seurat in Art, a French impressionist who used pointillism in his work. We have started to produce a collaborative pointillist painting after Seurat based on an image from Shackleton's Journey - pictures below.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Thursday 28th March 2024
Hello everyone,
WELL DONE! Your two performances this week were fantastic and I am so proud of all of you, hard work really does pay off. Now, it's time to relax and unwind before the Summer Term.
Remember to practise your times tables over the holidays - we are looking at the 9s when we come back.
Have a lovely, restful Easter break,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 22nd March 2024
The dress rehearsal went perfectly! I have received several glowing reviews from the adults and children around the school. Well done to all of the children and thank you very much to all the staff who have been supporting the children - I know all of Redwood, including me, really appreciate it.
Redwood have produced some lovely POP Tasks today, displaying all of their knowledge of their local area.
Keep practising all your times tables with a particular focus on the 6s and 12s.
Have a restful weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 15th March 2024
Hello all,
Redwood looked great today - you all looked incredibly funny!
Please remember that it is our trip to the Roman Circus on Monday (the 18th). Year 4 will be back before lunchtime so if you are normally school dinners, you will still have school dinners. Please wear full school uniform.
Practise your 12 times table over the weekend. All costumes for the play MUST be in as soon as possible.
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 8th March 2024
Redwood have had a fantastic week! We have continued to develop our understanding of fractions in Maths, planned our newspaper articles about the mysterious Space Bat Angel Dragon and have enjoyed a day in our pyjamas for World Book Day!
Please ensure all the children have suitable outdoor PE clothing. I recommend an extra set of socks too!
Continue developing your knowledge and speed of all the times tables - especially the 12s! There is a tournament for you on TTRS, five - ten minutes a day, a couple of times a week please.
Have a great weekend, well done for always being so brilliant,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 1st March 2024
Hello all,
Redwood have had a short, yet productive, week this week! We have continued looking at newspapers and have started planning an article all about The Iron Man. We have started reading our new class text, Krindlekrax. We have also continued practising our 6 times table. Next week, we are going to start looking at the 12 times table. Please can all the children practise this over the weekend - I have set up a competition on TTRS!
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Thursday 15th February 2024
It has been lovely to talk to so many of you this week at Parents Evening. I have really enjoyed sharing all the progress the children are making with you and I hope you have enjoyed looking at their work.
The children have worked incredibly hard this term and have earned a rest!
Have a wonderful half-term,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 9th February 2024
Hello all,
Redwood played squash at the Garrison on Thursday and had a fantastic time. They played well, displaying great perseverance at times and exemplar sportsmanship. They were very well-behaved walking through the Garrison and on the journey too. Well done, Redwood.
It's been Mental Health Week this week and we have created 'Proud Clouds' to celebrate. Each day, the children wrote down something they were proud of and added it to their clouds. We also went for a walk and talk with the Year 5s in Chestnut to discuss our worries and our problems with some older children. On Friday, we went on a tour of the school and took pictures of the things, and people, that were important to us.
Please continue to practise your times tables on TTRS and rehearse your lines for the production.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 26th January 2023
Hello all,
Redwood have been looking at sound in Science this week and have explored high and low pitches with different instruments. We have also been looking at philosophy in RE and have discussed the differences between knowledge, opinion and belief.
Please continue to practise your 6 times tables over the weekend. I was very happy with your multiplication checks on Tuesday. Keep it up!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 19th January 2024
Hello everyone,
Redwood have worked incredibly hard this week completing our DT unit on linkages and levers, learning how to multiply two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers and continuing our work on suspense in English.
I have been so impressed with the progress the children are making in their times tables! I have set up another tournament on Times Table Rock Stars to complete over the coming weeks so please encourage the children to log in and take part.
Some children are still without a black jumper and/or jogging bottoms for PE. These items are an integral part of their PE kit and must be in school at all times.
Please practise the 6s over the weekend.
Have a restful weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 12th January 2024
Happy New Year! It's been lovely to welcome everyone back for the first full week of the year. It's been incredibly busy as we have been making our moving Iron Men, reading our new class text, The Iron Man by Ted Hughes and looking at suspenseful writing.
Please can the children make sure they have black jogging bottoms and a black jumper for outside PE.
Many thanks, have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 8th December 2023
Hello everyone,
Redwood have been incredibly busy this week with their assessments. They have worked so hard and it has been very pleasing to see the fantastic progress they are making. They have produced some beautiful History POP tasks, which show off all their Stone Age knowledge, and they look brilliant. Well done, everyone.
Please practise the 2s, 4s and 8s over the weekend. This is incredibly important as we head towards the Multiplication Check in June. Please practise with the children daily, either on Times Table Rock Stars or with one of the methods shown at our Shared Learning session last week.
Many thanks,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 24th November 2023
Hello all,
Redwood have had a great week. Their hot tasks in Writing were fantastic, I'm really pleased with all the effort they put into them. Their leaflets on Skara Brae are looking brilliant and they sounded very good during our Christmas performance rehearsal this morning.
Please practise the 2s, 4s and 8s over the weekend. (Remember our tournament on TTRS!)
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 17th November 2023
Happy Children In Need Day everyone,
The children have had an action-packed week this week! We had a special guest (pictures below) who destroyed our classroom! We have been hard at work planning and writing our character descriptions and they are wonderful so far - keep it up, Redwood!
Please return the slips for our Shared Learning session on Thursday 30th November. It will take place from 2.00pm - 3.00pm and it would be fantastic to see as many of you as possible. The children will be sharing the variety of ways we teach and learn the times tables and I know they're incredibly excited to show off their knowledge!
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 10th November 2023
Hello all,
Redwood have worked so hard this week - I have been very impressed. Their warm tasks this morning were all fantastic and used many, if not all, of the features I was looking for. Their Science work on the different types of teeth was very enjoyable to read. Thank you to those who wore their Cubs and Brownies uniforms to recognise Remembrance Day.
The children were visited by an artist, Sam Gimson, this week and learned how to sketch a self-portrait. Pictures to follow!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 3rd November 2023
Hello all,
It's been another productive week in Redwood! Today, we've looked at our text map for Wishing Tale, which is a text that focuses on character. We will continue to use this text as a model throughout the next few weeks. The children asked me to post the text on here so that they could read it and practise it at home:
In a small village on the outskirts of a very large city, there was a farmer called Yang. He was so poor that in the winter the wind sneaked in the cracks in the door and the snow tumbled down the chimney. As well as this, he’d huddle under his thin, moth-eaten blankets, struggling to keep warm.
Early one frosty morning, Yang went out to feed his cattle at the barn. His first job was picking up the hay. Agonisingly, he lifted up the last bale of hay with his cracked, chapped hands and heaved it on to his frail shoulder. Yang was a man who put the welfare of his livestock first. His jacket was ripped and torn and his face was red and weathered from the harsh environment he ventured out in each and every day.
At that moment, Yang heard an unfamiliar noise. Tentatively, he crept outside, approaching what was caught in the brambles. Yang’s shallow, raspy breaths quickened. His eyes widened in amazement at the sight of the snow-white horse. Calming the horse down, Yang pulled the brambles to one side and released it.
To his amazement, the horse turned and addressed him.
“Yang, I am king of the wild horses. For setting me free, I can grant you one wish. Tell me your heart’s desire.”
Yang paced up and down, pondering over what he should wish for. He had dreamed of great riches and a vast kingdom, but, ultimately, one wish remained in his heart.
With his shoulders a little less stooped, Yang made his way back to the cottage. Hearing his cattle munching heartily, a warm smile spread across his face. Opening the door of his cottage, he was greeted by a warm, glowing fire and the smell of a steaming pot of stew. Life was beginning to look up.
Please continue to practise the 8 times table. Have a great weekend.
Friday 20th October 2023
Hello everyone,
It was lovely to see you all this week to chat about how the children have settled in and how they're getting on. They're all doing amazingly well, I could not be prouder. One of the most common things I spoke to with parents was spellings of common words. At the request of a number of parents, I have listed below some of the most common words the children should always be spelling correctly. Over the half-term, you could look at any your child finds tricky and support them in learning the correct spelling.
what | who | which | one | to |
when | with | witch | won | too |
our | their | your | like | two |
are | there | you're | every | again |
hour | they're | don't | thing | think |
Please feel free to pop in Wednesdays after school to discuss this or to have a look at the children's work.
Have a well-rested break,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 13th October 2023
Hello all,
Thank you for all the cardboard boxes you have donated this week! The children have put them to good use recreating the effects of earthquakes. They've worked hard to start planning, and writing, their persuasive letters and I must say, I am a very proud teacher!
The children are doing really well with their times tables. Please keep practising the 7s over the weekend in preparation for next week. Any issues with TTRS, just jot it down in the home/school diaries and I will do my best to sort it.
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 6th October 2023
Hello all,
It's been a productive week in Redwood. We have started looking at persuasive texts, including a very humorous (and fictional!) model text all about Mr. Rands and his silly behaviour. The children are thoroughly enjoying the unit so far and have produced some brilliant rhetorical questions and have done well when presenting their opinions as facts.
Please check homeschool diaries for a request for cardboard boxes! We would like them in by next Friday (the 13th). Thank you so much for your help, we really appreciate it.
Well done to two members of Redwood, Millie and Grace, for becoming school councillors. I know you will both take the job seriously and represent Year 4 well. Well done, girls!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 29th September 2023
Hello all,
It's been so lovely to return to the classroom this week and to see all the hard work the children did with Mr. Benson whilst I was away. You are a true credit to the school, your parents and yourselves, Redwood. Well done.
The children have planned and completed some excellent descriptive pieces of writing that I'm sure they would love to show you during our 'At Home' evenings on Wednesdays. It was lovely to see so many of you this week, thank you for attending. They also enjoyed learning about the digestive system and particularly liked our experiment using tights, food and a plastic bag to recreate digestion.
Please continue to practise the 2, 4 and 7 times tables are these are our focus tables at the moment. Please ask for your Times Table Rockstars login if yours does not work or you have lost it.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 15th September
Hello all,
Redwood have had a very productive week. We have finished our art, which will hopefully be out on display in the next couple of weeks, as well as our warm tasks today in English. The children have worked incredibly hard and I'm very pleased with the work they have made so far - I hope they are too!
I am going on the residential trip with the Year 6s next week. If there are any queries please just grab any member of the 3/4 team on the playground. Mr. Rands and Mrs. Reed will still be with the children throughout the week, as will Mrs. Carter on Thursday afternoon.
Many thanks,
Mr. Fulcher.
Friday 8th September
Hello all,
Welcome back and welcome to Redwood! The children have had a busy, productive week back and have enjoyed beginning our class text, The Girl of Ink and Stars, as well as looking at the artwork of William Morris alongside some great English and Maths work.
The children have settled beautifully into Redwood and to school life - they deserve a relaxing weekend!
See you Monday,
Mr. Fulcher.