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  • Celebrating the Arts at Myland

    18th December 2023

    Wow! I was lucky enough to watch Reception's nativity, the KS1 Christmas production and the LKS2 carol concert. All three events were amazing. The children in reception sang some fabulous songs and the children in KS1 had learned their lines beautifully! Well done! I was very impressed with the angelic voices I heard in LKS2 too. I really enjoyed the songs that were chosen this year. 

    Year 5 and 6 had their carol concert at the church. Well done for such a wonderful evening of Christmas cheer. I heard wonderful things about the evening and I am so pleased it went well. 

    We had an artist in this month. He worked with KS2 and everyone created a beautiful self-portrait! I know all the members of staff were extremely impressed with the children's final pieces. 

    I visited Reception last week and found some super firework paintings! 

    Year 5 and 6 have really impressed me this week! They have created prints of wolves in the moonlight. I think they have done a fantastic job. Well done!

    When I get the opportunity, I love walking around the school gazing at all the beautiful pieces of art our children have created. Here are our stunning Autumn Term displays. I hope you like them as much as I do!

    I'm delighted to see we have some musicians in the making in Birch and Willow!

    Have a look at the fabulous art zones in Reception! 

    It's nearly the time we've all been waiting for... The Year 6 production! 

    I know the children (and the staff) are very excited about this year's performance and I can't wait to see it myself. It is going to be fabulous!

    Someone is excited and getting ready for the performance... who could it be?

    I felt extremely happy today as I walked through the corridors of our school. The children have worked so hard to develop their artistic skills and create beautiful pieces of artwork this term. I love seeing all of the children's work celebrated and I hope you do too!

    Our BEAUTIFUL Displays

    OAK CLASS - Draw with Rob

    We were very excited to hear that an author was visiting our school. Rob Biddulph, who created the online Draw with Rob videos, came to open our library and so we all completed an online drawing activity which we shared with him on his visit.

    Oak Class - Printing

    Inspired by our class text 'The Butterfly Lion', we designed and created prints of grasses and shrubs which could be used to camouflage our lion cub.

    KS1 Dance Club

    The children have been thoroughly enjoying dance club on a Monday afternoon. Here are some pictures of the children learning some new moves!

    Design and Technology in Year 2

    Look at these fantastic Tudor houses! Some of the children came to explain everything they knew about the houses to a Year 4 class. The Year 4 class were very impressed with their knowledge and their ability to create such beautiful sculptures. Well done! 

    Art Club

    In Art Club, we have created collages, hands that looks 3D and watercolour ice creams. However, this week we have been sketching a wild rabbit. Each drawing looks beautiful and they will all look fabulous when they are finished next week. Well done, everyone!

    Art in Reception

    In Reception, they have a fantastic art corner where children can let their creativity flow! Today, I was shown an excellent piece created by a budding artist. She used paint and crayon to recreate the image she had seen in an art book. A brilliant effort, well done! 

    The Swing Band

    We had a fantastic swing band in on Tuesday the 21st of June. They played a mix of songs from the 1940s right up to modern day. They were fabulous! The children thoroughly enjoyed the concert. 

    Prop Prepping

    It is that time of the year! Year 6 are working hard to learn their lines for a fantastic play at the end of the academic year. There are lots of individuals - pupils and staff alike- that come together to make sure the play is fabulous. Here is one of our super members of staff creating some of the props needed for such a brilliant play. 

    Year 5/6 Art Inspired by Kensuke's Kingdom 

    Upper KS2 have been looking at the art of calligraphy. They created these beautiful flags inspired by the book 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. The children chose Japanese symbols and used brushes to apply their ink designs to their hand-dyed fabric. They look beautiful! Alongside these stunning flags, the children created their own versions of the piece 'Great Wave' by Hokusai.