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  • Larch Class

    Welcome to Larch Class

    Classteachers: Mrs. M. Lewis/Mrs. R. Pinder


    Spring Term Knowledge Organiser

    Tuesday 14th January 2025

    Happy New Year!  It was lovely to see all the children this week, and they all had wonderful memories to share from their holidays.

    We have had a great start to the Spring Term and the children have been keen to start their new topics!

    In English, the children have been learning their new text map for a suspense story. The children have become really confident recalling the story of Hansel and Gretel. This week, the children have also looked at openers they could use to build suspense in their writing. We had an excellent class discussion and the children came up with some brilliant ideas. 

    In Maths, the children are working with numbers up to 100. This half-term we will also be looking at the 5 x tables.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

    Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Pinder and Miss Wilkson-Rouse 


    Phonics support for parents








    Wednesday 26th June 2024

    Today, Larch class met artist Nicola Burrell and created some fantastic pieces of 3D art! The children were so engaged in the workshop and each child developed a sculpture that was truly unique! 

    Friday 14th June 2024

    Thank you for all of your delicious donations for the PTA Summer Fair. We really enjoyed being able to wear our own clothes today! This week in Larch we have been very busy and we all just wanted to say a big well done to everyone for showing off everything they have learned! Because of the nicer weather on Thursday, we also got to do some PE outside and everyone enjoyed trying out their 'racing' starts. We are getting excited for our upcoming Sports Day - please come and watch us in 2 weeks time!

    Tuesday 14th May 2024

    Hello! We have finished our beautiful dragon displays. I have attached pictures below as I thought everyone should see how fabulous they are. Well done, Larch Class!


    The children had a fabulous time at Jimmy's Farm!

    What an eggcellent week! The children have really enjoyed watching the eggs hatch. The ducklings are very cute and have been a fantastic addition to the KS1 team. This week, the children had a super Boudicca day too! There is a picture of the class below in their wonderful outfits (thank you for all of your help with these). Have a lovely break! 

    Tuesday 5th March 2024

    What a fantastic start to the week! The children have been looking at the features of fact files. The children will now begin to learn their new text map! In maths, we have started to look at fractions. The children have been wonderful and have been identifying and creating halves of shapes and amounts. 

    Monday 12th February 2024

    Last week, the children completed a few different activities as part of Mental Health Week. Larch class went on a 'Walk and Talk' stroll with Rowan class, created phones with cups to share the importance of listening and participated in the fabulous non-uniform day where they could express themselves! The children also taught in their super shared learning session. They were amazing. Well don, Larch Class! I have attached some photos below. 

    Monday 22nd January 2024

    What a fabulous start to the week! The children made collage birds' nests. They were fabulous gulls searching for natural and man-made materials. In maths, we have started to look at counting in 2s. It would be fabulous if the children could continue practising these at home. 

    Have a wonderful week!

    Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Patrick

    18th December 2023

    Wow! I was lucky enough to watch the KS1 Christmas production. The children sang some fabulous songs and had learned their lines beautifully! Well done! I was very proud and I hope the children were proud of themselves too. Have a lovely break and we will see you in January!

    Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Patrick

    Monday 11th December 2023

    Over the last few weeks, the children have been working hard on their Christmas performance! Each class has been working on saying their words clearly, knowing when to go on and off the stage and remembering the actions to songs. The props and costumes are also looking fantastic thanks to Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. Westfield and Mrs. Brown. I can't wait to see the final performance! 

    Friday 24th November 2023

    We have been working hard on Christmas Production rehearsals this week.  We are all super impressed with the way everyone has learned lines and actions.  We are really looking forward to sharing our hard work with you soon at the productions.

    There are lots of coughs going around at the moment, so have a restful weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week.

    Mrs. Lewis

    Tuesday 14th November 2023

    Wow! What an afternoon. We had some VERY exciting visitors today. Here they are entering our classroom! 

    Monday 13th November 2023

    In English, we have started our shared writing. The children are writing a diary from the perspective of a kangaroo. We have been inspired by our 'Wild Symphony' class text. As well as writing all the poems, Dan Brown also composed music to go with each of his poems.  I have included the piece written for the kangaroo poem which the children enjoyed listening to this week.

    Wild Symphony: Bouncing Kangaroo

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    Thursday 12th October 2023

    This week we made our own pizzas with a twist. They had to be revolting! We were inspired by the book 'Revolting Rhymes'. 

    Monday 9th October 2023

    Last week, we had a special visitor! A husky followed our instructions on how to dress like Red Riding Hood's grandma. 

    Wednesday 20th September 2023

    This week, we have been looking at one more and one less than a given number. We have used ten frames and number lines to help us. In English, we wrote our own instructions. The children worked really hard to remember all of the features they needed to include. It has been another lovely week for Larch Class and we are looking forward to another fabulous week next week!

    Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Patrick

    Thursday 14th September 2023

    The children in Larch Class have had a lovely week! They had a fabulous P.E. lesson with Colchester United coaches. They will have this session every Wednesday. In maths, we have been partitioning numbers into their ones and tens using part-part-whole models. 

    I hope the children have a restful weekend. 

    Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Patrick