13th January 2025
Hi, all
Please see below our Knowledge Organiser and KIRFS for the Spring Term.
Please click here for the Knowledge Organiser.
Our current times table focus is the 7 x table. Please encourage and support your child to practise this and to ensure that some of this is done on Times Table Rockstars. Our 'At Home' evening' is a Wednesday until 4 p.m. Please be aware that only Mrs. Watts is available as Mrs. Foster only works on a Friday.
If your child has a speaking role in our upcoming production of 'Star Warts', they will have brought home a script. Please ensure that these are brought into school every Monday and Tuesday as these are the days that we are currently using for rehearsals. Please encourage them to work on this at home.
Many thanks.
Thursday 11th July 2024
This week has been a very different week for the children. They have spent the majority of it with their new teacher and classmates, but all have come back happy and excited. I look forward to seeing you all this evening at our 'Exhibition Evening'. This will run from 5pm to 8pm so I hope you are able to come along and share your child's learning.
Mrs. Watts
Thursday 4th July 2024
In Maths, the children have been learning about coordinates and translating shapes. We are now revisiting all of the times tables so that the children can consolidate their understanding. In English, the children wrote their final 'Hot Task'. This was an explanation text which was linked to our current class text, The Longest Night of Charlie Noon. These were really well-written and I was incredibly impressed.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
Thursday 27th June 2024
It has been another busy (and very hot) week in Oak Class. The children have been exploring a range of charts and graphs in Maths. In English, they have been planning their own explanation text linked to their prior knowledge of a previous text, Krindlekrax. The children have also been learning about Anglo Saxon gods and created a 'Top Trumps' style game to support their understanding.
Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
Thursday 20th June 2024
It has been another busy week in Oak Class. We have looked at the water cycle and made mini water worlds to enable us to observe this in action. In History, we have learned about the Anglo Saxon burial ground at Sutton Hoo and have discussed many of the artefacts found there and what this tells us about Anglo Saxon life. We have finished our work on analogue time, but the children would benefit from further practice with this at home. We are now looking at digital time. Just a reminder that the Summer Fair is this Saturday. Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
Thursday 13th June 2024
It has been a very busy week in Oak Class. The children have been completing their Summer Term assessments and have all worked incredibly hard. It was lovely to see how much progress they have all made and how proud they were of their achievements. If you would like to know how your child got on, please feel free to come and see me on a Wednesday. The Year 4 children all completed their Times Table Check last week and did absolutely brilliantly. Thank you for all your hard work in supporting your children in learning their tables across the year. It was lovely to hear the children saying how much easier they found the assessments now that they are more accurate in recalling times table facts.
Thank you.
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
Thursday 6th June 2024
This week, we have been learning to tell the time. The children have looked at o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We then moved on to 5 minute intervals past the hour. The children need to be able to tell the time to 1 minute intervals using an analogue clock. Please could you work on this at home too.
Thank you for your support with this.
In reading, we have begun to work on our new text, The Longest Night of Charlie Noon. The children used drama to help them to understand new vocabulary and had great fun creating freeze frames. I have included some for you to take a look at.
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
Thursday 23rd May 2024
It has been a very busy end to this half term. This week, we have spent a lot of time on our Design & Technology project. The children have designed and made board games linked to our text, 'Shackleton's Journey'. They first explored everyday items which operate by having a simple circuit as part of their components. The children are now incorporating a circuit into their game so that the player can recognise whether they have answered correctly or not.
As you know, next week is Half Term. Please encourage your children to read daily and to practise their times tables, particularly if they are in Year 4. Thank you for your support with this.
We hope you and your children have an enjoyable break.
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
Wednesday 15th May 2024
All of the children's portraits are now on display and look amazing. Please come along and look if you can. I have included some photographs below too. This week, the children have completed their P.O.P. tasks based on our current unit of Geography. They have worked hard to recall the information they have learned.
In Maths, we have been measuring and calculating perimeter. The children are picking this up really well.
Please continue to support your child, particularly if they are in Year 4, to practise their times tables daily. This needs to include using Times Table Rockstars so that they get sufficient practice with typing in their answers.
Thank you,
Mrs.Watts and Mr. Rands
Wednesday 8th May 2024
Mr. Rands has done a fabulous job of mounting the children's work and creating a beautiful corridor display. Please come and take a look during our 'At Home' evenings if you can. I have included photos below for those of you who cannot make it into school. If your child's work is not yet displayed, it will go up in the classroom over the next week.
Please continue to support your child in practising their times tables. Some of the children are not doing this regularly and it impacts their ability to recall facts quickly and accurately. If your child is in Year 4, you will have received a letter about the Multiplication check. It is really important that these children type their answers in on Rockstars, rather than simply reciting them as this is how the check will be administered.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs. Watts
Thursday 2nd May 2024
It has been another busy week in Oak Class. We have now finished our portraits using impasto paint. They look amazing! Mr. Rands is working hard to prepare them in our new corridor display, but they should be up ready for you to see next Wednesday at our At Home evening. I am sorry that you have been unable to come in for the last two weeks. This is because the Staff Meeting had to be moved, but everything is back to normal for next week. We have also been continuing our Science work on light and shadows. The children have explored materials which are transparent, translucent and opaque.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
Thursday 25th April 2024
We have been exploring the painting technique of pointillism. We created a collaborative piece of large-scale art, taking inspiration from our text 'Shackleton's Journey'. This will form part of our corridor display. I will let you know once this is complete and ready for viewing.
In Maths, we have been working on comparing and adding amounts of money. The children have all done very well with this. With the Times Table Check coming up (details to follow soon), we ask that you encourage your Year 4 children to practise on Times Table Rockstars daily. This is important as the Check is completed on a computer and they need to be able to type in the answers within 6 seconds. Thank you.
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
Thursday 18th April 2024
It has been a busy week back after Easter. We have begun to read our new class text, Shackleton's Journey which is about his expedition to Antarctica. The class are thoroughly enjoying this so far. We have also begun our new Science unit on light and how shadows are formed. Our times table focus is currently the 9 x table and will be the same for next week. I have attached our Knowledge Organiser below so you can see the areas we are looking at across the term.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Watts and Mr Rands
Thursday 28th March 2024
What a fantastic end to the Spring Term! The children were amazing in our production of 'What's the Crime, Mr. Wolf?' and Mr. Rands and I were incredibly proud of them all. Thank you to everyone who came to watch them perform.
We have also now finished our clay tiles which are based around the crocodile or dragon-like creature from our text, Krindlekrax. I have included some photographs below so that you can see them all.
Whilst the children are now ready for a well-earned rest, please continue to encourage them to read daily, both to themselves and aloud to you and to continue to practise their times tables.
Have a lovely Easter break.
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
Thursday 21st March 2024
In Geography, we have been learning about the impact of tourism on Clacton. We looked at videos and took a virtual tour of Clacton Pier. We also took a walk along the seafront, using Google Earth. We read case studies about some local people who work in Clacton and explored the positive and negative effects of tourism on their lives.
Today, we have sent home a letter regarding final arrangements for next week's evening productions. We look for ward to seeing you then.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands.
Thursday 14th March 2024
We will be having a dress rehearsal next Friday so we are now asking for all costumes to be in school by next Wednesday (20th March). If your child has a named part in our play, you will have already received a note informing you of what they need. If your child does not have a named part (Year 3 children), they will all be animals. They can be any animal they like, so will only need to wear a colour which is appropriate for the animal they choose. They could wear fleecy hoodies, their onesie or simply wear a coloured top and trousers/skirt. If you are uncertain, please speak to us on the playground and we can help.
We are all very excited to show you our production on Tuesday 26th and Wednesday 27th March. You have already been sent a tickets letter for this. Thank you for your support with this.
In Maths this week, we have been calculating fractions of an amount. The children have worked hard to understand this and have picked it up well. In Geography, we have been learning about Harwich and Felixstowe and finding similarities and differences. The children have shown a genuine interest in this.
Have a lovely weekend.
Thursday 7th March 2024
This week, we have been working on converting improper fractions to mixed number and vice versa. This is a tricky concept so I have given the children an example to take home so that you can go over it with them if they feel like they have struggled.
We have also continued our Geography work on the U.K and have been looking at counties which border Essex and some towns or cities within them.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands
Thursday 15th February 2024
In Maths, we have looked at fractions, identifying unit and non-unit fractions and placing them on a number line. We have started our Newspaper unit in English and have completed some fact-filled POP Tasks for History.
Well done Oak, have a restful half-term.
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands.
Thursday 1st February 2024
In Maths, we have been working on division. The children have been taught to divide 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number using partitioning. I have attached an example below so that you can support them with this at home.
We also carried out a simple investigation into soundproofing and the children have been learning to draw conclusions based on their results. Our focus times tables for the next two weeks will be revising the 3 and 6 x tables. Please continue to support them with these at home.
Thank you
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands
This week, we have continued to work on multiplication. All of the children can now multiply a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number, using the expanded method. Some children still need the support of a x table square to support their accuracy so please continue to encourage them to work on this at home.
We have been printing this week. The children drew the Iron Man onto safe-print tiles and pressed out their designs. The prints look great. I will let you know once they are mounted and displayed.
Next week, we will continue to work on the 6 x table.
Have a lovely weekend once it arrives.
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands
Thursday 18th January 2024
This week, the children have been learning to multiply 2 digit numbers by a 1 digit number using the expanded and compact methods. They are picking this up really well. Next week, we will continue this using 3 digit numbers. Our focus x table will be the 6 x table so please encourage your children to practise this.
Our wall display is now complete. I have put the photographs of this below so you can see how amazing the children's D.T. work is.
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands
Thursday 11th January 2024
It has been a very busy time in Oak Class. This week, we have completed our D.T. project which we linked to our current text, The Iron Man. The children have been learning how to make levers and linkages and have used these mechanisms to make moving ‘Iron Men’. These look amazing and will form our wall display for the corridor. We will let you know once this is ready.
We have begun our new unit in English which is creating fear and suspense. The children are picking this up well.
Our focus x table is the 3 x table, but please encourage your child to continue practising those we have already covered.
Thank you
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands
18th December 2023
I couldn't resist sharing our finished Christmas decorations with you. The children have done brilliantly and their finished pieces look amazing! I have taken photographs so that you can see what they have all done.
Happy Christmas
What a busy week! Thank you to those of you who came to see our Christmas Carol concert. The children have worked so hard on their lines and songs and it was lovely to be able to share this with you. I hope you enjoyed the little bit of audience participation!. This week, we have been learning to sew and are busy making fabric Christmas decorations. The children are doing so well with these and they are looking great.
Whilst the children are ready for a well-earned break, we would ask you to continue to read with and to your child and to spend a little spare time going over the times tables as it really helps to keep these things on the boil.
As this will be my last note this term, Mr Rands and I wish you all a happy Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in January.
Mrs. Watts
Thursday 7th December 2023
It has been an incredibly busy week in Oak Class. Alongside all of the usual lessons, the children have completed some assessments in Reading and Maths. They have all worked incredibly hard to recall their learning and show us what they know. Please feel free to come and see me on a Wednesday 'At Home Evening' if you would like to know how your child has done in these.
We have continued to rehearse for next week's Christmas performances and the children are excited about showing you all what they have been doing.
Please continue to support your child and encourage them to practise their X Tables at home. There are a number of children who are still not accessing Times Tables Rockstars and we would like to see all children logging on at least twice a week. Their login details are in their Home- School Diary. We are revising the 2, 4 and 8 x tables next week. Thank you for your support with this.
Have a lovely weekend (when it comes),
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands.
Thursday 30th November 2023
This week, we have begun to learn how to write a diary entry and understand the features which can be used. The children are picking up the features well. We have also revisited rounding and used this to make estimates for calculations. Some children found this challenging and we had to spend some time going over the rounding rules. Please go over this with your child if they say that this was difficult for them. Thank you for your support.
Next week, our times table focus will be recapping the 4 and 8 x tables. Please encourage your child to work on these.
This afternoon, we are having our Shared Learning session. We hope to see as many of you as possible and hope you gain an insight into the strategies used in school.
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
Thursday 23rd November 2023
The children have been working on column subtraction with at least one exchange. They have also written their final story based around the character of Isabelle from The Invention of Hugo Cabret. We were was really impressed with how hard they all worked to include the features we have been learning. Next week, our times table focus will be revisiting the 4 and 8 x tables. Please continue to support and encourage your children to practise these at home. Thank you.
The children have also been practising for our Shared Learning session which takes place next Thursday afternoon. Thank you for returning your slips and we look forward to sharing our x table knowledge and strategies with you.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend .
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands
16th November 2023
This week, we have been working on addition of 3 and 4 digit numbers using the column method. This has included those which require an exchange. We have also been revisiting the 2 and 4 x tables and will continue with these tables next week.
You will receive a letter this week which invites you to our 'Shared Learning' session on the 30th November. The focus will be x tables and you will have the opportunity to practise these in a variety of ways whilst being taught by your children.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands
9th November 2023
This week, we have been exploring our new text, The Invention of Hugo, in more depth. We have looked at how the author creates images in the reader's mind and how characters show their emotions by what they say and do. Last Friday, we explored the beautiful illustrations in the text and looked at how eyes are used in many of them to convey emotion. The children created lots of interesting compositions and used cameras to capture these. They look amazing! I have included a few below to give you an idea of what we did.
Next week, we will be recapping the 2 and 4 x tables. Please encourage your children to continue to work on these. Thank you for your support.
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
2nd November 2023
This week, we have begun to work on creating characters in stories. This will be our English focus over the next 4 weeks. In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting ones and multiples of 10 from 3 digit numbers. This has included those which require an exchange (e.g. 235 + 8 or 256 - 7). We have done this by drawing place value counters rather than the formal written methods.
We are currently working on the 8 x table. Please encourage your child to practise these daily for around 10 minutes and to use Times Table Rockstars at least twice a week. Many of the children are not currently logging on at all and it would be beneficial for them to do so. Thank you for your support with this.
Mrs Watts and Mr Rands
Thursday 19th October 2023
We have reached the end of this Half Term and what a busy few weeks it has been. As you will see at this week's Parents' Evenings, the children have been working incredibly hard and have produced some super pieces of work. This week, we have finished our Geography unit on 'Earthquakes and Volcanoes'. On Monday, we explored how the tremors travel through solids and how the impact is reduced the further away you are. We also looked at different materials, such as rubber and how these absorb some of the impact of earthquakes. The children then completed their P.O.P. Tasks. These are opportunities for the children to demonstrate their recall and understanding of key 'Sticky knowledge'. I was so impressed with these and the children should feel very proud of themselves.
I hope you all enjoy the Half Term break.
Mrs. Watts
Thursday 5th October 2023
This week, we have begun to look at persuasive writing and the features used. In Maths, we have been placing 3 and 4 digit numbers between multiples of 100 and 1000 and have begun to work on rounding. Next week, we are working on the 7 x Table. Please can you support your children and help them to practise this. Thank you
Our corridor displays are now complete and look fantastic! Mr. Rands has done an amazing job. I have put some photos on this page for you to look at.
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands
Thursday 28th September 2023
We have had a very busy week. In Science, we have been learning about the digestive system and the organs involved. I have included some photographs of our activity so please ask your child to try and explain the process involved. We will be doing some further work on this next week. We are still working on the 4 x table and we would appreciate your support in helping your child to learn these at home
In Maths, we have been counting forward and backwards through zero and exploring negative numbers.
Thank you to those parents who came in for our first 'At Home' evening this week, it was lovely to see so many of you.
Mrs. Watts and Mr Rands
Thursday 21st September 2023
We have had another very busy week in Oak Class. The children have continued to focus on place value and have been finding 10 or 100 more or less than any given 4 digit number. This includes numbers where an exchange is needed. E.g. 2,056 - 100. In English, we are still working on using a variety of methods to create descriptive settings and the children are working very hard on this. Next week, we will focus on learning our 4 x table so please encourage your child to practise this at home.
Thank you
Mrs. Watts
Friday 8th September 2023
Welcome to the class page for Oak Class.
It has been a very busy few days. The children have settled in beautifully and are already working incredibly hard. In Maths, we have begun to work on place value and the children are learning the value of each digit in 3 and 4 digit numbers and how to partition in different ways. We have also begun to create and describe settings and I was impressed with their ideas in our list poems.
Please be aware that P.E. for our class is on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.
Mrs. Watts and Mr. Rands