Week beginning 10th June 2024
I’ve been very impressed with everyone in Rowan class this week. Everyone has really hit the ground running this half term and I’m so happy we’re maintaining that momentum. We’ve continued with a new style of writing this week and everyone showed me some excellent formal and informal letter writing. We’re also working our way through The London Eye Mystery and things are really starting to get exciting! In Maths, Year 5 have been working on geometry and have had a great time writing their own questions about shape. In Science, we looked at how light is reflected and how mirrors work and we discussed Ancient Greek philosophers in History. We’ve also started to look at perspective in Art, as we’ll be making a collage next week!
Well done, everyone!
Week beginning 3rd June 2024
It’s been lovely to have the whole class back together so much this week. I’d almost forgotten what it was like to have Year 6 in an English lesson! We’ve all been working hard on our new piece of writing in English – a suspense story based on our new class book, 'The London Eye Mystery'. Everyone has been taken in by the mystery, so we’re all looking forward to seeing where it goes! In Maths, Year 5 have been working on some challenging calculation problems and I’m very pleased to see how well they’ve done at piecing together what they need to do. In Science, we looked at how light enables us to see, as well as where it comes from and in Music, we braved playing some jazz on the recorders. It sounded great!
Well done this week, everyone!
Week beginning 20th May 2024
It’s been a wonderful last week of the half term and I’m quite shocked that we seem to be at the end again already! The last six weeks have flown by and I can’t believe we only have seven left! Everyone has been working hard this week and it’s been lovely to have the Year 6 children join us again for part of the morning. They’ve also been swimming and preparing for their exciting end of year production. Year 5 have written their survival guides and, as predicted, they have prepared their readers for some truly grizzly circumstances. In Maths, we’ve been looking across the curriculum at some tricky challenges and everyone has worked well together on solving them. In Computing, we finalised some excellent designs and were even able to print some of them on the 3D printer!
You’ve earned your half term, everyone. Enjoy it!
Week beginning 13th May 2024
Everyone has worked really hard this week and I’m very proud of all of you. We’ve focused on arithmetic in Maths this week and everyone has shown me just how much they can remember from everything we’ve worked on this year. We’ve also planned our survival guides in English and I’m looking forward to seeing how much good advice I’m going to get when I read them next week.
In Science, we looked at the phases of the moon and in Computing, we started to design 3D signs to welcome people to our classroom. I can’t wait to try and 3D print them!
Well done for completing your SATs Year 6! It has been a very busy week and I am so proud of all of the children for their hard work, perseverance and positive attitudes this week! All of the children tried their best and put 100% effort into their tests. I hope you all have a well-deserved rest this weekend.
Week beginning 6th May 2024
It’s hard to believe that we’ve only been in school for four days this week. Everyone has worked so hard and I’m so impressed. The Year 6 children have been working on their personalised revision and have really shown a fantastic attitude. It was so good to see so many of you for our SATs information evening on Tuesday. The Year 5 children have been drawing pie charts and learning about how to write survival guides in Maths and English and have done a wonderful job of both. In the afternoons, we’ve been learning about Greek city states in History, combining 3D objects in computing and using different styles of stitching in Art.
Well done this week, everyone!
Week beginning 29th April 2024
It’s been another busy week in Rowan class! We’ve all been working so hard after assessment week and luckily, the sun has finally started shining. The Year 6s are all doing their final pieces of revision before their SATs papers and I’m so impressed with how far they’ve come. Next week, they’re all going to get individual revision packs tailor made for them. Year 5 have been creating some fantastic graphs in Maths and have written some excellent warning stories in English. In the afternoons, we’ve looked at the cycle of day and night in Science, how to move 3D objects in Computing and how to decide between the things we need in our lives and the things that we want in PSHE.
Enjoy your long weekends, everyone. I’ll see you on Tuesday!
Week beginning 22nd April 2024
Everyone’s been working incredibly hard in Rowan class this week. We’ve had our final assessment week and I’ve been really impressed with the results! Year 6 have diligently been doing their last bits of revision before their SATs papers and Year 5 got a chance to see what the papers are like a little early. We’ve also been working hard in the afternoons; looking once again at space in Science and in Computing, we’ve started to look at 3D modelling. Hopefully, we’ll be able to 3D print some of our designs by the end of the half term!
Have a restful weekend, everyone.
Week beginning 15th April 2024
It’s been good to have everyone back in the classroom after a well-earned two weeks off! It’s been great to hear about all of the exciting things everyone has been up to! We’ve wasted no time getting back to work though and it’s been great to see how hard everyone is trying to keep moving forward in their learning. The Year 6 children have been revising hard and the Year 5 children have been working so well in the classroom with me. It’s like they never stopped! We’ve looked at ethical spending habits in PSHE this week, as well as the different planets that make up the solar system in Science, which was very interesting!
Enjoy your weekends, everyone!
Week beginning 25th March 2024
It’s been a wonderful push to the end of the term and I couldn’t be prouder of everyone. We’ve all worked so hard to get to where we are and everyone truly deserves the next two weeks off. Although we’ve spent a lot of time apart this term, the class has worked together better than ever on so many things and I know we’re going to have a fantastic time in the Summer term. It’s been all go on assessment this week, with everyone showing me what they know about everything we have learned about in Science, Geography and History and I was blown away with how much detail I saw on every single piece of work presented to me. I can’t wait to do it all again next term!
Well done, Rowan class. I’ll see you in two weeks!
Week beginning 18th March 2024
It’s been a very busy week in Rowan class, with lots of exciting things happening. We’ve all been working hard in the mornings, with the Year 6 children diligently making progress in their SATs preparation and the Year 5 children working closely with me in the classroom. We’ve made some excellent progress on understanding the properties of 2D shapes and the sizes of their internal angles. We also started looking at writing a story with a focus on dialogue. On Thursday afternoon, we were visited by STEM ambassadors who worked with us to create machines from K’Nex. Everyone had a wonderful time experimenting with the cogs and gears. On Friday afternoon, Lower Key Stage 2 treated us to a sneak preview of their performance and we were blown away!
One week to go! Enjoy your weekends, everyone.
Week beginning 11th March 2024
It's been another fantastic week in Rowan class, with everyone working hard in all aread of the curriculum. I've been very impressed with the final recounts that Year 5 have written. So many different stories and ideas on display! Year 6 have attempted some poetry in the style of Cloud Busting and I have enjoyed reading their work!
In Maths, Year 5 have been doing some excellent work on the volume of 3D shapes and I was blown away by how quickly everyone was able to pick up the skills necessary to find even the volumes of complex compound shapes!
In PSHE, we looked at how to keep ourselves safe online and in Science, we had a go at categorising animals based on their observable characteristics!
We also had some fantastic funny costumes for Red Nose Day!
Week beginning 4th March 2024
We’ve had another busy week in Rowan class, with everyone showing just how hard they can work! Year 6 have been ploughing through their revision with no signs of slowing down and I couldn’t be prouder of them! They come back to the classroom every day looking that little bit readier every day! Year 5 have made some excellent progress in finding the areas of lots of different types of shapes in Maths and everyone has written some fantastic recount texts! They’re all so varied, it’s a delight to read them. We’ve looked at reasons for being good from a philosophical standpoint in R.E and pieced together the hierarchy of Anglo-Saxon society in History. In Science, we categorised plants according to their characteristics and we rounded off the week by continuing our work on vector drawing in Computing.
It was also fantastic to see everyone in their pajamas for World Book Day!
Week beginning 26th February 2024
I've so enjoyed coming back after the half term and seeing how excited all of the Year 6 children are to get their revision books and start to prepare for their SATs. They've really hit the ground running and I'm very impressed with the attitude I've seen from them every day. I just miss spending the morning with them! The Year 5 children have really risen to the challenge of being the only ones in the room, however, and have done incredibly well when learning how to find the areas and perimeters of shapes. They've also done a fabulous job of getting ready to write a recount text!
You've all done a very good job this week and I'm looking forward to working through this (rather short!) half term together.
Enjoy your weekends, everyone.
Week beginning 12th February 2024
It’s been so nice to come back from my paternity leave to see that everyone has been doing so well! I’ve enjoyed looking through all of the work that the class have been doing while I’ve been away and I’m very proud of the outcomes! I’ve certainly come back to a busy week, with assessments AND an extended write happening! Everyone has worked very hard, ensuring they’re ready for a well-earned break next week. It was so good to speak to so many of you at parents evening over the last few days. It’s always so nice to be able to tell parents how proud they should be of their children!
Enjoy a restful half term and I’ll see you in a week!
Week beginning 22nd January 2024
It’s been so nice to have a full week with the entire class here! We’ve really managed to make some progress in Maths, looking at percentages. I was very pleased to see how well everyone was able to see the relationship between percentages, decimals and fractions! In English, we’ve started writing our quest stories and I’m excited to see how they finish (even if I seem to be a villain in more than one). In R.E, we spoke about things in our homes that are special to us and in Science, we conducted an experiment on how different amounts of cells would alter the brightness of a bulb.
Enjoy your weekends, everyone!
Week beginning 15th January 2024
It’s been another full-on week in Rowan class. On Monday, the Year 6 (and a few lucky Year 5 children) went to London to participate in Young Voices and they had a fantastic time. I hear we even got a special mention for knowing all of the sign language for the songs! We’ve also planned and written our first quest stories in English, which I can’t wait to read. In Maths, we’ve continued to look at decimals and how we can work round a decimal point. We also went on our local area Geography walk, giving surveys to residents of the local area to see how they feel about the Northern Gateway project. Hopefully we’ll get some results soon!
Have a good weekend, everyone!
Week beginning 8th January 2024
The first full week back of 2024 has been a real success. We've hit the ground running brilliantly and everyone has shown an excellent attitude towards their work. We've looked at how we're going to write a quest story in English, which I'm very excited to read. In Maths, we've continued to work on decimals and I've been very impressed with how much everyone has remembered from last term. It's really allowed us to make lots of progress. In Reading, the whole class moans when I stop reading Alex Rider, so I think they're all fans! We also wrote the questions for our local area survey in Geography, which we're going to conduct next week.
Take a good rest this weekend, especially if you're in Year 6. It's finally time for Young Voices next week!
Week beginning 1st January 2024
It's been so nice to have everyone back after a couple of weeks off! I know we haven't been in for much of this week, but we've really made the most of the time! We've started a new book, looked at a new genre in English, solved lots of arithmetic problems in Maths and even looked at circuits in Science!
You've done a lot in two days, everyone, well done!
Week beginning 18th December 2023
We've done it, everyone! The end of our first term together! I've been so proud of all of you over the last few months and I know we're going to go from strength to strength in the new year! We've finished some excellent books, created some amazing work, sung some beautiful songs and even managed to use saws, drills and glue guns to create our wonderful boxes with cam mechanisms. I couldn't believe how well they came out!
It's been so wonderful working with everyone and Mrs. Meachen and I can't wait to see you all again after a well-earned Christmas break! Have a wonderful time, everyone and we'll see you in two weeks!
Week beginning 11th December 2023
It was so amazing to see everyone performing so beautifully at the church this week. We'd spent so long preparing for it that it was just wonderful to see how well everyone did given the HUGE audience we had. I was so, so proud of everyone and you should all be too! We also started a new DT project this week, which involves using a lot of new tools and I was impressed by how well everyone was able to use them so carefully!
One week to go, everyone!
Week beginning 4th December 2023
The children have worked so hard this week, I'm surprised they can even stand! They've been rehearsing for our performance in the church next week, finishing off a very long piece of writing AND completing assessments around all of these other things. I couldn't be prouder of how hard they've all worked, as everyone went at every challenge enthusiatically. We even started to prepare for a very complex D.T project we're going to finish over the next few weeks. It may have been hard in the moment, but we've set ourselves up for a wonderful last two weeks of term.
Well done, everyone!
Week beginning 27th November 2023
It's so lovely to have a class that never seem to want to stop working. In every lesson this week, I've had members of the class that want to know more. We reached the end of out fractions unit in Maths and everyone was able to articulate their process of calculation so well to me that I thought they might be reading a script! Even when I tried to catch everyone out on some particularly fiendish questions, I was rumbled immediately! I can't wait to see how everyone takes to decimals and percentages after Christmas. In English, we've started writing a discussion text about whether or not wolves should be kept in captivity. I was very impressed with how reasoned all of the arguments for and against were! In Georgraphy, I put everyone to the test with another POP Task to see how much they remembered about Norway and was pleased to see just how much was on every piece of A3 paper.
You've all earned a rest this weekend, Rowan. Well done!
Week beginning 20th November 2023
Once again, Rowan class have wowed me this week. Everyone has worked so hard on showing their understanding of fractions as we've added and subtracted them. I've seen so many conversations and realisations about making denominators balanced and I'm very proud of how well people have explained their understanding to me. We also finished our tales of fear this week and they were incredibly powerful across the class. I can't wait until our next narrative! In Science, we wrote up our notes on flower dissection and in R.E, we debated whether or not it is reasonable to believe in God. I was very impressed with how mature everyone was. Well done, everyone!
Week beginning 13th November 2023
It's been a very intersting week in Rowan class. We've moved on to looking at fractions in Maths and although it's been new and challenging, everyone has shown an excellent attitude towards learning how to simplify, compare and order fractions. I'm excited to teach the class how to add and subtract them next week. In English, we've been writing our very scary tales of fear and I have loved seeing how intense everyone is being. Our book, Wolf Wilder, has taken a few exciting turns and we've had more than one collective gasp at a plot bombsell this week!
We were also interrupted during our Art lesson by a prehistoric visitor. A huge Tyrannosaurus Rex ambled into our classroom and luckily for us, nobody lost any limbs (although it was a close one)! The children were so excited, but were sure not to make any sudden moves!
Week beginning 6th November 2023
This week, we were very lucky to be visited by a local artist. He taught us all how to draw self-portraits and the results were amazing! In Maths, we've been looking at some very challenging division questions and I've been blown away by how much knowledge everyone has shown. It was such a delight to teach each lesson. In English, we've continued to learn our model text and have started to write some character descriptions in the first person. I've seen some fantastic creativity which has really impressed me. I'm also glad to see Rowan class in the lead of our Times Table Rockstars tournament. Keep it up, everyone!
Week beginning 30th October 2023
It was amazing to have every back again after a well earned week off! We didn't waste any time getting back to work as we dove straight into learning about division. It's been so impressive to see how eager everyone was to learn new skills, meaning that our Maths books are absolutely full with fantastic work. We've looked at equivalence and paritioning to divide, with more skills coming next week. We've also started to write a tale of fear in English and I've been suitably spooked by what I've read so far! In Reading, we're looking at a new book, The Wolf Wilder, and we've all enjoyed the very dramatic first few chapters. We've also looked at the physical and human features of Norway in Geography and the life cycles of mammals and amphibians in Science.
Well done this week, everyone. See you on Monday!
Week beginning 16th October 2023
We've made it to the end of the first half term and I think everyone has certainly deserved this week of rest. We've managed to pack so much into this week, with the trip to the Garrison for squash, writing a full set of instructions in English and moving onto full long multiplication in Maths! I was so proud of how well everyone managed to develop their understanding of this skill.
It was also lovely to see so many of you parents this week at parents evening. It was great to share so many successes and talk to you about how your children are doing. I know the children were really excited to show you what they've done so far this year, so thank you for coming along!
Enjoy your week off and I will see you soon!
Week beginning 9th October 2023
We're coming to the end of our first half term and I'm so glad to see that everyone is working as hard as ever. We managed to write our final suspense narratives, edit and publish them and we've now moved on to writing an instruction text. It's a big change in tone, but everyone has managed to pick it up well! We've also been looking at multiplication in Maths and it's been great to see how confident everyone is to give their answers.
In Geography, we looked at the points of a compass and explained where Sweden was in comparison to other countries based on direction. I was very impressed with how quickly everyone was able to pick it up!
Enjoy a restful weekend, everyone.
Week beginning 2nd October 2023
We've continued to go from strength to strength this week, with our planning for our suspense narratives coming to and end. Now it's time to finish writing them! I've been so pleased with the progress everyone has made on their writing and I'm seeing so many more amazing features. You should all be very proud of yourselves. We've also continued to learn more about how we can show light and darker areas in Art and have shown some excellent understanding of how to measure and record the force of friction in Science.
Enjoy your weekends, everyone!
Week beginning 25th September 2023
It was so nice to have everyone back together this week. We've all been working very hard and have some exellent work to show for it. Our warm tasks in English are looking fantastic and everyone was able to show me how to use adjustment to make column subtraction simpler! We've also started to get to some of the really interesting parts of our book, Viking Boy. In Science we completed an experiment on water resistance and found that the more surface area a shape has, the slower it will sink.
Well done, everyone. Have an enjoyable weekend!
Week beginning 18th September 2023
This week, most of the Year 6 children have enjoyed travelling to North Yorkshire for their residential trip. I was so incredibly proud of their attitude and was appraoched by members of the public everywhere we went who just had to tell me how impressed they were with our children.
The rest of the children were busy at school creating fantastic poetry anthologies, which were fantastic to see when I returned.
Well done, everyone. Enjoy a restful weekend!
Week beginning 11th September 2023
It's been another wonderful week in Rowan with lots more impressive work under our belts. It was so nice to see so many parents at our Meet the Teacher evening. We hope it was informative!
We've continued to look at number in Maths and everyone has shown that they're ready to move onto addition and subtraction when we're all back together in just over a week. Our suspense writing is also fantastic, showing lots of personification!
In Science, we experimented with the idea of air resistance. We made parachutes of different sizes and recorded how long it took them to hit the floor. I was very impressed with how hard everyone worked!
Enjoy your well earned weekends, everyone.
Week beginning 4th September 2023
It was so fantastic to have the new Rowan class back in school this week, even if it was only for a few days! Everyone has had a wonderful attitude and I've been so proud of how hard everyone has been working. I'm already having to remind myself that not everyone in the class is in year 6!
We've worked on some challenging work already this week, including using numebers into the ten millions and everyone has shown that they can work at a fantastic standard. I've also been so impressed with the Topic Work I've seen this week and I can't wait to see more!
Enjoy a restful weekend, everyone.